What is abrasive corrosion - erosion index of coal ?
Published:2014-12-31 09:08:23    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Summary:What is abrasive corrosion - erosion index of coal ?

What is abrasive corrosion - erosion index of coal ?

An index used to express metal grinding parts wear degree caused by coals, it has been called the abrasive corrosion - erosion index of coal, and Ke is the symbol for that. We got different coals abrasive corrosion - erosion index by experiment, the higher index, the much more serious wear corrosion. Abrasion resistance of coals can be divided into five categories in accordance with their abrasive corrosion - erosion index:
Ke<1.0, mild corrosion wear
Ke=1.0 - 1.9, low corrosion wear
Ke=2.0 - 3.5, high corrosion wear
Ke=3.6 - 5, very high corrosion wear
Ke>5.0, extremely high corrosion wear

Abrasive corrosion - erosion index Ke as per power industry standards DL465 - 92

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