Chromium carbide overlay plate thickness
Published:2014-11-05 13:23:51    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Summary:Chromium carbide overlay plate thickness

There are some differences between chromium carbide overlay plate and traditional NM steel plate, it thickness has two layers, Q235 steel plate and chromium carbide overlay layer welded on the steel plate. Commonly, base plate thickness will be thicker than or equal to hardfacing layer, there are 4 on 6, 6 on 6, 6 on 8, 8 on 8, 10on 10, etc, and of course, surfacing layer can also be slightly larger than the substrate, such as 8 on 6 chromium carbide plate, this needs to be adjusted in the processing production.

What is the thinnest chromium carbide overlay plate VAUTID & YAOYU can do ?
Usually, 10mm (4 0n 6) is the most common use chromium carbide overlay wear plate, chute, chromium carbide overlay liner, chromium carbide overlay pipe, etc. We can also make 9mm ( 3 on 6 ) chromium carbide plate as you wish, whole size chrome carbide plate or making other chromium carbide parts according to your drawings.

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