Chromium carbide overlay plate against wear and corrosion
Published:2015-05-29 15:07:14    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Summary:As an expert fighting abrasive wear problems, we define our goals in every industry so as to help them maximize productivity and increase economic benefits. Just as YaoYu company always said, you have wear problems, we have wear solutions.

Paper-making plant mill will suffer a great serious wear and corrosion from the log peeling to the final production stage, VAUTID YaoYu weld chromium carbide overlay plate can significantly reduce the production cost, can quickly and effectively solve any abrasive wear problems.

Steel plant will always request the most reliable wear solutions as steel production causes serious wear and corrosion. VAUTID chromium carbide overlay plate has worked with major steel producers around the world from the early date since the establishment of VAUTID company,

VAUTID harfacing technology provide wear solution for thermal power plant, thus equipment parts in power plant can work at least 5 times better than before.


As an expert fighting abrasive wear problems, we define our goals in every industry so as to help them maximize productivity and increase economic benefits. Just as YaoYu company always said, you have wear problems, we have wear solutions.

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YaoYu Chromium Carbide Overlay Plate Fighting Wear